KeepingTrac's avatar
7 years ago

Recurring Transactions: Allow edits when due date falls in lock period

Please, please MYOB Technos,  do your thing to tweak the Edit Schedule function under Recurring Transactions to allow us to edit the transaction name, or some other change without having to change the due date to within the current financial year and/or unlock the current period.


"Allow Recurring Transaction Schedule Edits without having to change the due date or unlock period."

1 Comment

  • This is especially frustrating when trying to copy a recurring transaction for editing to suit another event.  If the original due date is in a previous financial year or in a locked period the software will not allow a copy to proceed.  Users have to cancel out and change the due date on the original transaction and/or unlock the period before trying to copy again.  The most frustating scenario is when the error message informs us we can't record transactions dated in the lock period; we cancel out, unlock the period, return to copying the transaction and then face the next error message 'You may not enter transactions before the beginning of your financial year.' 


    Seriously, we don't want to record a transaction dated in the lock period or before the beginning of the financial year - we just want to copy the recurring transaction for editing to suit another similar transaction!  It would be understandable if the error messages come up for the new copy after it is raised.  It would serve as a reminder to edit the due date for the new recurring transaction.