Colin123's avatar
Experienced Partner
9 years ago

Report: General Ledger [Detail] - Show account number and name at top of each page

For the general ledger account number and name to appear at the top of each page of a printed general ledger report.


For long general ledger reports, some accounts go on for several pages.  It is therefore difficult to determine which general ledger account you are looking at.


"Printed General Ledger reports"

1 Comment

  • JohannaB's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Yes please. The post above was suggested in 2016.

    It is now 2018 and don't you think MYOB should already have this old functon should return?!!! Please!!!

    I currently use AccountRight online current version 2018.2.0. My GL reports go up to 200 pages and the old accounts right used to include the accounts numbers at the top of every page so you see what account you are looking at on each page.

    Has this been put in the too difficult basket? Can you please put this back on? It is an 'accounting' package after all.