SDuddy's avatar
Experienced User
12 months ago

Screen Space

Could we PLEASE have cards that use the whole screen space instead of me going cross eyed trying to read a tiny font in fields at the top of the screen while there's a tonne of blank screen real estate just going to waste.


And before you say oh just use the browser version, it has bigger font -  the browser version of cards is missing a tonne of fields that we use in the desktop version every day, so we can't make the switch without losing functionality.

1 Comment

  • Hi SDuddy,


    Thank you for your post. We appreciate you sharing your suggestions and feedback, and we apologize for not being able to respond right away. Having the font size increased to a larger size that will accommodate the spaces in AccountRight is a great idea. We also understand that this will make your work go smoothly. We will always strive hard to provide a seamless experience for our customers.


    As we value you as our customer and always appreciate ideas/feedback, we'll relay this to the relevant team.


    Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated.



