Feebie's avatar
Trusted Cover User
9 months ago

Supplier Payment History Report

It would be great if the Suppliers Payment History Report provided a full history of the payments made to that supplier. 

At the moment they dont include the bank feed automated transactions - which is weird as the Suppliers Payment Report does provide a full total and seems to include ALL transactions under that supplier card including the bank feed automated transactions.  I would have thought that the history report would provide the full history - otherwise there is no point in it really.

Thanks :)

1 Comment

  • Hi Feebie,


    Thank you for sharing your suggestions and feedback. We understand that this report (supplier payment history) is a great help in managing your business reports. We will pass along your feedback to the relevant team. Rest assured that our developer team will continue to monitor suggestions, which will be added to the product roadmap based on feature requests.


