AlanT's avatar
Ultimate Partner
2 years ago

More screen real estate is being wasted

Hello to the user interface developers at MYOB,


Could we please have the UI tidied up when you are at the Partner Dashboard.


For some reason the default filter settings lists ledgers that have been cancelled or Expired.  I seem to have a few of these when I have upgraded files or migrated them to other MYOB products and as a result I need to be careful to choose the correct ledger, for example here you see the old ledger as well as the new one right next to each other:



So, I decided to customise the filters I have and remove the ledgers I no longer need.



Having done this, I now have a heap of screen real estate wasted by the list of filters remaining onthe screen rather than going away unti the next time I wish the customise my filters:



Is there any chance we could get this feature modified in the very near future so it is more user friendly?





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