Smilie's avatar
2 years ago

Quote Email History

If possible can the date and time that a quote is emailed be listed as a detail on the quote page as it is on the Invoice page for when an invoice is sent?

Further, if a quote is updated and re-saved could it be auto saved as R1, R2 etc if there are iterations of a re-saved quote to differentiate that something has been changed from the previously saved quote and then also the date and time be recorded if that updated quote has been emailed to the customer?



1 Comment

  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Smilie 


    Thanks for your post and Welcome to MYOB Community Forum. 


    As per checking, when you create and/or send an invoice, this will be recorded in the Activity history section at the bottom of the quote. You may check The Help Article Quotes to have further information. 


    Best regards,
