Forum Discussion

STL1's avatar
Contributing User
2 years ago

STP Finalisation Issues

Hi All,


I am currently in the process of finalising STP for a MYOB Business/Essentials file and have an issue.


Details of my issue are as follows:


  • STP EOY Finalisation figures are incorrect. They do not tie up with Payroll Activity Report or Wages on P&L
  • Payroll Register Report Figures show incorrect figures also, while payroll activity report shows the correct amounts
  • I am unable to make changes via Emplyee Pay History, maybe due to a new financial year starting? I am under the impression that changing the Employee Pay History figures will fix my issue, but th software will not allow changes to August - June as this must be for FY 2022/23. Any idea how to update these figures?

Any help would be appreciated. There were many issues with payroll in the file to begi with due to another user processing things incorrectly. I did have to make a lot of reversals etc. so this is probably the issue.



  • Hi STL1 


    My apologies, I thought I had replied to you. I've raised the case to get that fixed, so that I can escalate it can you please send me screenshots of the activity and register detailed reports for that affected employee. So click on the down arrow for the employee to expand the summary report. Please send them to me by private message.

23 Replies

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  • Hi STL1 


    The Payroll activity report gets it's data from the processed payruns.

    The Payroll register report and STP EOFY reports get their data from the employee card>>Pay History.

    The P&L reports amounts posted to the wages, super and other employer expense accounts.


    If the activity and register reports are not the same it means a manual change has been made to the employee card>>Pay History. Which, in turn, means that the STP EOFY reports won't be correct.


    The employee card>>Pay History resets to zero when the payroll year is rolled over so that it only includes the current payroll year amounts. To fix the Pay History for the previous payroll year in MYOB Business/Essentials your file will need to come in to us for repair. I would recommend checking the activity and register reports match regularly throughout the year to ensure the YTD amounts sent to the ATO with each pay run are correct.


    If your activity and register reports don't match I'll need you to send me the following information in a private message so that I can arrange the file repair:


    • serial number
    • primary contact name and email
    • screenshot of the activity report
    • screenshot of the register report
    • screenshot of the Summary of payments reports for affected employees
    • affected employees names and details of pay items
    • Hi,

      I am having the same issues. I have called MYOB for assistance on how to get my file fixed and have been on hold for over an hour now,  and  only spoken with 1 person who did not underrstand what I was asking. Im on hold waiting to speak to someone else to see if they are able to assist. Do you have an easier fix for this, how do I get assistance quickly?


      I don't mean to be a winger, just need a quick solution and its very frustrating.

      • Tracey_H's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi SarahAccountant 


        If the Payroll activity and Payroll register reports do not have the same amounts it means a change has been made to the employee card>>Pay History.


        If you're using MYOB Business/Essentials the file will need to come in for repair. I'll need you to send me the following information in a private message so that I can arrange that repair:


        • serial number
        • primary contact name and email
        • screenshot of the activity report
        • screenshot of the register report
        • screenshot of the Summary of payments reports for affected employees
        • affected employees names and details of pay items


        If you're using AccountRight you'll need to:


        1. take a back up of the current online file
        2. restore a back up taken prior to 30 June
        3. fix the YTD amounts in the employee card>>Pay History
        4. process a $0 pay with payment date as 30 June for that employee
        5. wait until that report is accepted and recheck the Summary of payments report
        6. if Summary of payments is correct, finalise the employee
        7. take a back up and rename it so that it can be easily identified as EOFY
        8. restore the back up of the current online file

        If your issue is something else please provide details and I'll be happy to help.

    • STL1's avatar
      Contributing User

      Thank you for your reply Tracey_H 


      I can't seem to send you a private message? It takes me to a page where it says "Private Messages" with noting underneath it..

      Do you have an email address that I can send the inormation to?


      FYI this is a clients file which I have not seen until the end of financial year. So I am trying to fix it up for STP finalisation. 

      • Tracey_H's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi STL1 


        My apologies, you'll be able to send me that private message now. To send screenshots in a private message, use the Microsoft snipping tool to create the screenshots then click on Photos to upload. 

  • Attention: MYOB

    Is there a way to override the STP data - similar to how we could override payroll data in the old 'PAYG Payment Summary' system?

    Similar to STL1  issue, all my Payroll (Summary & Activity) reports, including P&L are all correct, but the STP reports do not reconcile. It is only for 1 out of 3 employees - the other 2 are correct.

    I have tried nil pay runs and some reversals, to fix the issue, all of which were reported to the ATO via STP.

    Please assist STL1 and myself for a fix.

      • FK123's avatar

        I am having the same issue. Payroll activity summary and register and all my reports are correct. STP finalisation figures generated do not agree. We have many many employees and cannot go through them one by one and manually enter figures. 


        MYOB - what's happening? This should not be this hard. 

  • poppies230762's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi - hope this helps.  Same thing happened to me last year for the first time and again this year.  Go back and process $0.00 pays for each of your employees (making sure you process them in the correct payroll year) - send as usual to the ATO.  Problem solved - I have zero idea why they have not fixed this by now!  Hope it helpsyou

    • STL1's avatar
      Contributing User

      Thank you for your reply. I have done multiple nil pay runs to try fix the issue with no luck. It doesn't seem to fix my issue.

      Hopefully MYOB can shed some light on this issue if it is occuring frequently...

      • poppies230762's avatar
        Experienced Cover User

        Oh I am sorry this didn't fix your problem - best of luck with it