Forum Discussion

Veronika's avatar
Experienced Cover User
5 months ago

Customer Statement - printed vs emailed provide different ageing figures



I have an ARL desktop client file set up to issue customer activity statements as tax invoices to their customers on a calendar monthly basis.  The ageing period is set to 30, 60, 90 days.  I have noticed that when I print the statement, the figures under the ageing fields are correct, however when I email that very same statement with the same template and parameters, the system adds the invoice that was issued on the last day of the prior month and adds it to the "current" field of the ageing period.


As an example,  I have an invoice issued 31.10.2023 for $200 and I have an invoice issued 5.11.2023 for $500. When I issue the activity statement with date parameters 1.11.2023 to 30.11.2023, the current total shows as $500 and $200 in the 1 month field in the printed statement.  The emailed statement shows NIL in the 1 month and $700 in the current field.


I have worked out that this is likely because the ageing is set to 30, 60, 90 in the system but I can't work out why the printed statement is correctly showing the figures while the very same emailed statement is showing incorrect figures.


If I change the ageing period to 31 days, then this corrects the emailed statement however only for one month because the next month I have get the customer to remember to change this again to 30 days to ensure that the statements are correct and keep changing each month.


I have also tried to send the statements via the browser and the same issue pops up.


As a last resort, I have also tried to change the ageing from daily to monthly but then the activity statement template does not pick up any of the ageing figures but rather only shows $700 in the current field.


Any help is appreciated to fix this issue, I am a little bit hesitant to tell the client that there is no solution to this other than them having to remember to change settings each time or print the statements to PDF and then emails them one by one.


Thank you,


7 Replies

  • Celia_B's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Veronika,


    Thank you for your post. 


    To address the issue, statement ageing is based on the terms of the invoice. As such, I would recommend reviewing the due date of that invoice. This can be done by opening the invoice and selecting the Terms before reviewing the due date. To better assist you with this, could you please send us the screenshots of the printed statement and the emailed statement so we can check and assist you further? 


    We hope to hear from you soon. 


    Kind Regards, 



    • Veronika's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Hi Cel,


      Thank you for your response.  The issue that is that the printed activity statement vs the emailed statement, both using the same template, identical parameters and drawing the same information are producing different figures when generated at the same time. 


      I have attached a copy of the printed statement vs the emailed statement.  The figures in the printed statement are the correct figures.  The fields that are producing incorrect figures in the emailed version of the statement are 1 Month and Current.


      I have worked out that for some reason the emailed version of the statement (for period 1.11.2023 to 30.11.2023, previous month) is moving the last invoice dated 31.10.2023 into the current field instead of the 1 months field, but ONLY in the emailed version of the statement.


      Why is the emailed version of the statement producing incorrect figures while the printed version of the statement is reporting correctly?


      • Celia_B's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        HI Veronika,


        Thank you for getting back to us and providing an update. Upon checking the only thing about choosing a number of days after EOM i.e., 30 or 31, is that statement aging will be affected according to the number of days in the month and the date you run the statement. The Day of the month after EOM is a common choice of business as payment is due on the last day of the month regardless of the number of days in the month, so it is easier to tell when an invoice is due. We have a Help Article: Credit terms, explains the different credit terms in more detail.  


        Please let me know if you still need further assistance. We are more than happy to help. 


        Kind Regards, 
