Forum Discussion

TracyatMuirhead's avatar
Experienced Cover User
10 months ago

Superannuation button unticked with new casual employee

I had a new casual employee start in Jan 2023 and have noticed since doing the PAYROLL EOFY reports, I didn't set his superannuation up in MYOB ACCOUNTRIGHT correctly - how do I rectify this before closing 2022-2023?

I had set it all up in his card file but not clicked the 'Super Guarantee' box.

I have now rectified this and the box is ticked.
I have paid his superannuation as I also use a spreadsheet and work from that when calculating payments each month (I work alone so need other ways to check my own work).

All my reports are balancing except for this person's super.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.


PS: I had major surgery on the 27th June and still recovering, that is why I'm late with my reporting.