EileenSaust's avatar
2 years ago

Supplier Invoice Number on Payment

On AR desktop you could choose to show the purchase number or the supplier invoice number when paying a bill, but the browser version does not give this option and when paying bills or allocating bank feed you are only given the option for the purchase number. Can we please have the Invoice Number showing. It is particularly difficult when there are many invoices for the same amount. An quite honestly the Invoice Number is what we all work with.





  • Shaeme04's avatar
    Contributing User

    If you go into "SetUp", then "Preferences", then the "Purchases" Tab  ... do you have a tick box that says "Show Supplier Invoice Number in Supplier Payments" ?  I have that ticked, and it shows Invoice numbers on my Remittances.


  • H-TS's avatar
    Trusted User

    Such a basic thing that anyone who actually USES software would want. Pretty sure developers/designers/testers for MYOB never actual use it in a real life situation and I'm super curious to know whether they even use their own product internally.

  • Celia_B's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi EileenSaust 


    Thanks for your post and Welcome to the Community Forum.


    I do apologize for the inconvenience that the results of the software not having this feature. I have passed on your feedback to the appropriate teams who consider such things.


    Please feel free to post again. I'm happy to assist you further. 








  • we need this too.  I don't know which bills to pay with out it.   and have to go back to the AR desktop to pay bills.   I would like to use the browser but cannot.