Forum Discussion

Legion's avatar
Trusted User
3 years ago

can I run a GL transaction list in excel that includes account code field on each line?

TFPG posted a question in 2015


"Can I run a report similar to other accounting packages that includes the account number field for each transaction? This way I can sort the data in excel by account code. The GL Detail report just shows the account code in the a subheader row but this doesn't enable me to sort the list by account number. Every accounting package I have used has this option so I am finding the GL Detail report very limiting."


Six years later I'm sure this simple task would have been addressed by now. Can you point me in the right direction. I've tried Find Transactions, Account Transactions [Accrual] and General Ledger [Detail]. 

  • Hi Legion , if you send the GL detail report to Excel, add a column between cols A and B, and enter the following formula to B12 (next to the first account number): =IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("-",C12)),C12,B11). The Find formula will only return a number if "-" is found in cells in column C.


    Copy that formula down all the rows of the report. You could extend it to only show values in data rows, but that can also be done by filtering out blanks in columns Src or Date.


    PS: (Edited) Before manipulating the spreadsheet further, you may need to copy the new column and paste it as values over itself, otherwise the formulae will give incorrect results. 

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  • Mike_James's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi Legion , if you send the GL detail report to Excel, add a column between cols A and B, and enter the following formula to B12 (next to the first account number): =IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("-",C12)),C12,B11). The Find formula will only return a number if "-" is found in cells in column C.


    Copy that formula down all the rows of the report. You could extend it to only show values in data rows, but that can also be done by filtering out blanks in columns Src or Date.


    PS: (Edited) Before manipulating the spreadsheet further, you may need to copy the new column and paste it as values over itself, otherwise the formulae will give incorrect results. 

    • Legion's avatar
      Trusted User

      Thanks Mike. That will do the job nicely.