Forum Discussion

Kath32's avatar
3 years ago

Salary packaging balances repaid

As a charity we have salary packaging of expenses. When someone leaves (or at the end of the FBT year) there is often a balance that needs to be paid to the employee and taxed. How should this be done in MYOB? No super should be added as super was paid when the original deduction took place.



5 Replies

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  • Hi Kath32 


    Sorry to see that no one has replied to you yet. To ensure this is reported correctly I'd recommend checking with the ATO or your accountant. Once you know how this needs to be reported I'll be happy to help with how to set it up in AccountRight.

  • Shezamac's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi Kath

    Did you get a reply to this, as I have the same issue, and I can't seem to find much information on it anywhere.

    Thank you


      • Shezamac's avatar
        Experienced Cover User

        I can tell you what I do if this helps (Im also in a NFP/Charity):


        I have created a payroll category called Salary Sacrifice Returned, under Gross Wages, and then I work out the tax manually as if it were a bonus (according the ATO guidelines), and don't pay Super on it, as it has already been paid.

        The only thing I was grappling with was whether it was Gross Wages, but I think it is, as when you report the exempt FBT amount at the EOFY, this comes off the Gross Wages on the Payroll Summary so we have to put it back in, and tax it at a higher rate.


        When I have done this I journal the returned payment as a 

        DR Bank Account

        CR Wages