Forum Discussion

Jnet's avatar
Experienced Cover User
5 years ago

Super fund not available in the super registerd names



I have an Employee start with a Super Fund not on the list. I even checked the usi numbers incase it was under a different name and i cant find it. How do i solve this?

The super is:


USI: 40651037780001

ABN: 40651037780



  • Hi Jnet 


    Thank you for your post.

    If you look up the ABN of this fund on Super Fund Lookup website, you will find out that this is a fund with contribution restrictions. Generally, this means that the fund is exclusive to one business or ABN (Australian Defence Force, for example). The registered details are paired with the original employer and may not work with others, if the employee changes jobs.


    In this case, your employee needs to contact the fund and explain the change in job. The fund will likely have to alternate details which can be used by you as an employer. If not, the employee will have no choice but to investigate an alternative super fund.


    I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have further questions. 

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  • Komal_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Jnet 


    Thank you for your post.

    If you look up the ABN of this fund on Super Fund Lookup website, you will find out that this is a fund with contribution restrictions. Generally, this means that the fund is exclusive to one business or ABN (Australian Defence Force, for example). The registered details are paired with the original employer and may not work with others, if the employee changes jobs.


    In this case, your employee needs to contact the fund and explain the change in job. The fund will likely have to alternate details which can be used by you as an employer. If not, the employee will have no choice but to investigate an alternative super fund.


    I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have further questions. 

    • Jnet's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Thank you Komal_S .  I apprecaite your help, I will follow up with the employee.