Forum Discussion

ntoumba's avatar
Experienced Cover User
2 years ago

Superannuation Payment Returned - NO NOTIFICATION

Hello MYOB,


I have recently had a new employees first super contribution returned. 


I have discovered they listed the incorrect super company and this has now been updated. HOWEVER


The concerning factor is that I receieved NO NOTIFICATION from MYOB Pay Super that the payment failed. I recieved the fund for one employee back into my bank account with little detail.


I was able after investigation to figure out it came from the super payments - but I was lucky this occured in Dec a slow month, otherwise it could have been very difficult to discover what the payment was for.


PLEASE PROVIDE NOTIFICATIONS within the program to advise when a payment has failed. I have confrim I received no email or notification. 





3 Replies

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  • Sam_R's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi ntoumba,


    Thank you for your feedback on this matter. 


    So that I can raise this with the relevant teams, could you please refer to your bank statement and advise if the amount was refunded by the clearing house we use (SuperChoice), or the fund it was sent to?

    • ntoumba's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Hello Sam_R ,


      Thanks for the reply - this is the information that was on my statement:


      208472585C00000000 MercerSuperTrust


      It was difficult to identify as this is not the name of the employees superfund that rejected the payment. 


      I would apprieciate hearing more about this. 



      • Sam_R's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi ntoumba,


        Thanks for confirming those details. 


        MYOB uses the SuperChoice Clearinghouse to process your PaySuper payments. If the payment was stopped and refunded by the clearing house, you would generally receive an email notification.


        However, as the refund was made by the fund itself and directly to your bank account, it would be up to the fund to notify you of this as the clearinghouse would not be aware of the refund at the time. 


        You would want to reach out to the fund directly for your query regarding notifications from them, however, do let me know if you have any further queries that I can assist with.