Forum Discussion

Glenys's avatar
2 years ago

annual Leave not carried forward

It appears that since I finalised wages for 2021-2022, the annual leave accurred has not been carried forward.

Is this a system error, or do I need to manually adjust from the leave entitlement report.

I have MYOB for other clients, but this has not happened before.

Thank you


3 Replies

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  • Sam_R's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi Glenys,


    Thank you for your post. 


    Could you please confirm if the "Carry Remaining Entitlement Over to Next Year" option is ticked in the entitlement settings? 

      • Sam_R's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi JulieR,


        Thanks for your post. 


        This setting is greyed-out once the entitlement has been created and saved, so you won't be able to adjust this setting if it was not originally ticked. 


        In this case, you would need to create a new entitlement category to replace the original, ensuring the "carry-over" option is ticked, then transfer your employee's accruals from the old entitlement category to the new through an adjustment payroll. Once you have transferred their accruals, you can unassign your employees from the old entitlement category and assign them to the new. 


        if you'd like assistance on how to do the transfer of accruals, please do let me know. Happy to help!