Forum Discussion

TamPH's avatar
Experienced Cover User
2 years ago

How did a sale go through with negative stock?

One of our sales staff has processed a sale for an item that had zero stock and it has allowed it to go through resulting in a stock on hand value of negative one.  When I try to replicate I get the usual message of buy/build/backorder.


This has happened previously in this system.  I was under the impression that MYOB didn't allow sales to go through to negative stock.  Is this a glitch?


I can adjust the stock to correct it but I would like to understand why this happens in the first place to prevent it from happening again.



5 Replies

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  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi TamPH 

    Thank you so much for your post. We have a script to run for an online file to fix this issue. Can you please send me a private message with the following information:

     > Serial Number
     > Email Address
     > Company Name and Full Name


    • TamPH's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Earl_HD I can't seem to send a private message, can you help?

      • Earl_HD's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi TamPH 

        Can you confirm the last four digits of your serial number please?
