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Tenille04's avatar
4 years ago

Inventory Report & Excel Format

Hi all. Two-part query here from a MYOB novice (but experienced in Excel):


1) I'm looking for a 12 month inventory report to show purchase/sale quantities so I can ringfence Top 100 for further analysis & review. I'm currently using Item Transactions & have selected Show All on the available fields so I can determine which fields are useful. Is there a different report that would be better suited to my task?


2) Whether I select Export Excel or Export TSV option, when I open the file in Excel the format puts the part number & description above the transactions followed by a total debit/credit line. I would like to exclude the total line & need the part number & description in a separate column beside each transactions so I can filter & pivot more readily. There must be a way....surely??


In the pic, white fields show how it is, yes columns & data is what I'd like...

  • Hi Tenille04 


    I would be looking at running the Item Register [Detial] report may be better suited to your needs. This would show individual transactions on a per-line basis and while also providing you with an overall quantity changed. Alternative reports would be the Sales [Item Summary] or Sales [Item Detail], a similar situation with the purchase reports as well.


    In terms of exporting that report out, the export of the report will look similar to the way it does on-screen with the item number and name appearing a separate line. If you are needing to update that item information into a separate column it would be a manual process once the data has been exported.

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  • Hi Tenille04 


    I would be looking at running the Item Register [Detial] report may be better suited to your needs. This would show individual transactions on a per-line basis and while also providing you with an overall quantity changed. Alternative reports would be the Sales [Item Summary] or Sales [Item Detail], a similar situation with the purchase reports as well.


    In terms of exporting that report out, the export of the report will look similar to the way it does on-screen with the item number and name appearing a separate line. If you are needing to update that item information into a separate column it would be a manual process once the data has been exported.

    • Tenille04's avatar

      Many thanks Steven - appreciate you taking the time & am now working through some Excel jiggery-pokery to get a final workable output. :)