Forum Discussion

Eliane's avatar
Trusted Cover User
4 years ago

Turning Order into Bill Error

I have an Item PO, which now I want to turn to Bill. Some items are to be backordered, I have adjusted the quantities to reflect the backorder under Bill, Received & Backorder columns, the value of the invoice is correct, but upon recording it tells me "Error: an unbalanced transaction may not be recorded".


Everything balances, what is it going on about?





6 Replies

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  • Jesh_D's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi Eliane 


    Thank you for your post.


    Typically with these 'An unbalanced transaction may not be recorded' errors are the result of 3 decimal places in the line item causing the transaction to be unbalanced, although we may not see this extra decimal it is calculating. The way around it is to click in the field and manually type the amounts. This should bypass the issue.


    Please let us know how you get on and if you require further assistance.

    • Eliane's avatar
      Trusted Cover User

      Hi Jesh_D 


      Thanks for replying, but I tried that just now, it didn't work.


      I typed in the per kg price and the total for each line.


      There's a backorder for this PO, so we only want to record the bill for what's received. The quantity on the backorder column is correct.


      What else could be wrong? And what else can I try?



    • Eliane's avatar
      Trusted Cover User



      In addition, I have noticed that when I am on Bill window and I change the bill column to what's received, the backorder for one of the items automatically adjusts to the correct backorder figure, however the other item does not, I have to manually type in there. Would this be the culprit? Why does one item do it and the other doesn't?



    • Eliane's avatar
      Trusted Cover User



      Anyone know how to fix this problem? I'd like to record the PO as a bill.



      • Eliane's avatar
        Trusted Cover User

        If anyone goes through this issue in the future, I found the answer myself.


        As it turned out, the bill was not ticked GST inclusive (it doesn't have to be, MYOB please fix this).


        But after reading this post: I decided to tick it and to manually enter the values, even though they were already there. When I manually entered the values while Tax Inclusive was not ticked - it didn't work, it only worked when I ticked it.


        Done, I have backorder and hopefully no more issues when I receive the bill for it.



