BWPanda's avatar
Experienced Cover User
11 years ago

Find Transactions: Accounts - Search by sub account

When browsing/searching transactions on the 'Find Transactions' screen, it'd be nice to be able to filter transactions by the balance sheet account.


For example, on the 'Find Transactions' screen, I 'Search by:' 'Account' > 'Bank interest'. But this shows the bank interest for both my Cheque and Savings accounts. I want to further filter by transactions where the 'Deposit to Account' is 'Cheque Account'.


"Filter transactions by balance sheet account"


  • Status removed:
    Hi BWPanda Thanks for the feedback about the AccountRight programs Can you clarify when you say" Account>>Bank Interest" that you are searching for the Bank interest account or searching using the Advance filters for the Memo/Payee for Bank interest?
  • BWPanda's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I'm searching for my 'Bank Interest' account (using the 'Search by' field).


    I imagine the best place to add the new balance sheet account option would be in the Advanced Filters section though...

  • Hi BWPanda 

    So just to claifry further you want to have the ablilty to search by two accounts? So you have the bank Interest account and then the ablilty to filter that further to search for only transactions for another particular account i.e. your Cheque account?

  • Status added:
    Thanks for going over the details of this, allowing you to filter for transactions that have hit two specific accounts is something we can look into adding into a future update. Its great to see a couple of votes for this already, other users who would like to see this added, please make sure to add your vote to the list.