Matt_Rogaloff's avatar
Contributing Cover User
10 years ago

Receive Payments: Ability to receive a payment in bulk from multiple debtors into the one account



i would like to put  forward the idea of "bulk receiveing payments" from multiple debtors into an account.


To put into context, we run an online business where we get several sales a day via our website and ebay. 
We load our customers individually (onto separate cards) and many of our customers are also repeat.

From the invoices we naturally receive a number of payments each day - going (usually) to the same accout - be it paypal, chequing account etc etc. 

It would be handy and very time effective to be able to "select" all debtors who have paid into the same account on a particular day and "process" with one click of a button. 


From a back end persepctive effectively it is selecting multiple trade debtors (DR) and allocating to an asset account (CR) in one move rather than doing this individually.

NB. Emailing the invoices is not important to us - as we print and enclose with our packages.


Any work around or implementation would be greatly appreciated! :)


Best regards,



"Bulk Receiving of Payments"