AndrewC2340's avatar
Contributing Cover User
6 years ago

Sales: Prompt to check when erasing sale

I was working on a 3 page item invoice when the very last line I wanted to delete just the last line.

I accidentally selected "erase sale" from the Edit menu.

I have done this a few times and it seems appropriate for the software to check that this is really what I want to do. Fair enough, dont ask for a single line deletion, but the whole sale seems a potential to be a mistake.


It made me sooo angry that I used a square word, more than once. Anyone who knows me would know this is out of character, and something was really up.


It drove me to ring support and ask if there is an option to enable this request.

The answer was of course NO.


They suggested I post something here.

I expressed my lack of faith that MYOB ever listens to customer requests and are a power unto themslves (At their own peril I might add.)

Despite my skepticism here I am, just a user, standing in front of the forum, asking for a feature that might save many hours off lost work across the ever dwindling user base.


So consider this a test of MYOB's ability to listen to a user's reasonable request for a minor feature that would have made a large difference to my day's productivity and mental well-being. And might have prevented my children from learning some new words to take to school.





 "Sales - Erase Sale - Confirmation prompt"