LisaVC's avatar
Experienced Cover User
11 years ago

Bank reconciliation: Ability to update cheque number

We used to be able to edit a cheque number of a reconciled cheque without the transaction returning to the rec. screen.

Several transactions appeared in my Rec. Screen after I used a different cheque number to

identify the month the rental cheque related to.   Will this be changed back to the previous situation

in an update, or is it set up like this to prevent changes?


"Bank Rec wrong amount on cheque."


  • loganwoods's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I also understand that BankLink was able to allocate/match a cheque once presented even where the amount was slightly different from the original entry, i.e. you were given the opportunity to record/post the difference to a rounding account in the current period thereby leaving the prior period/s results unchanged. Would be helfpul to have this functionality in Essentials, particularly where clients have a large volume of cheque payments.

  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    MYOB Essentials will allow you to update the cheque number of a reconciled transaction. The system will also default you back to the previous window used to access that transaction after saving that change.