Forum Discussion

Accountant9's avatar
3 months ago

MYOB for Excel

I would like to know if MYOB AccountRight has the functionality to automatically refresh my excel TB with the current MYOB TB balances (without having to export out of MYOB and paste in excel). 


I downloaded the 'MYOB for Excel' add in to excel but it appears the add-in doesn't have the functionality to download the latest version of the TB. 


Any help? Thanks in advance.

1 Reply

  • Hi Accountant9,


    Thank you for your post and your patience in waiting for a response.


    Welcome to the Community Forum!


    While MYOB AccountRight has a range of features, this specific functionality might require a different add-on. I can't provide a specific add-on that provides this feature at the moment. However, you can refer to Add-ons on our website for more information. You might be able to find an add-on that suits your needs.


    Feel free to reach out again if you need further assistance.


