Forum Discussion

robynleary's avatar
2 years ago

Change to invoice layout

I don't want 'View your invoice online' to show on my invoices. In other words, I want the Invoice to look like the Template. Why doesn't it? A 'template' should mean just that!  I was told that the removal of this feature is under development. How long will we have to wait?

3 Replies

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  • Isaiah_C's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi robynleary 


    Thank you for the post and welcome to Community Forum! We really appreciate your feedback, we are making sure to provide an excellent service to our valued customers. You can also submit your ideas on this link for improving MYOB MYOB Business/Essentials Idea Exchange - MYOB Community.



     Please let me know if you need further help.


    Kind regards,


    • robynleary's avatar

      I do need further help. You have not answered my query. You have merely acknowleded that I made a query. How is that helpful?

    • Isaiah_C's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi robynleary 


      Thank you for the response and I do apologize for the inconvenience. The forms customization including invoice is a product limitation for browser-based product. But we can submit feedback to add the feature in the future release for browser-based product. Here's the link MYOB Business/Essentials Idea Exchange - MYOB Community.


      Please let me know if you need further help.


      Kind regards,
