Payroll categories - can I make this easier?

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Experienced Cover User
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Experienced Cover User
Experienced Cover User




Payroll categories - can I make this easier?

Hi All,

With the start of the FY there has been an increase in award pay rates. We have currently over 500 payroll categories in our system Smiley Frustrated

I.e. Level 1, Age X, M-F; Level 1, Age X, Sat; Level 2, Age X, M-F; etc.....

Every other year we have gone through each category individually and changed the pay rate.

But I was just thinking, could I reduce this list to just base hourly for each of the levels/ages, and then create new categories that are just "Saturday 8am-6pm 125%" and make the pay rate "regular rate multiplied by 125%" instead of the current "fixed hourly rate of X"?


We have some people paid award for everything, and some paid above award for their regulerbase hourly, but award for everything else (Sat, Sun, out of regular hours, etc)... 

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