Forum Discussion

AHJS's avatar
Experienced Cover User
2 years ago

AccountRight: Recurring Sale Price Update - Help Please

Hi Community


Does anyone know of an easy way of updating a recurring sale with a price rise other than manually changing the price or re-adding the line?


We use recurring sales for customers that order close to all of our SKUs twice monthly, there is approximately 400+ SKUs to each recurring sale and we need to update 3 major ones in this manner.  Of note, our customers are on different pricing ie levels C, D and F


For example, can we export the recurring sale change in excel and then import back in?  Is there a way to dummy enter the sale which will update the pricing automatically and then resave it? 


Everything we are doing means that the price remains as it was at the time the recurring sale was saved and we need to manually update the pricing in the recurring sale and save it, which of course across 400+skus is so very time consuming and so very open to error.


Any hints, tips and workarounds would be appreciated.


Thanks in advance

2 Replies

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  • Hi AHJS 


    The only way that I know how to do it would be to manually update the recurring transaction through Lists>>Recurring transactions.


    Recurring transactions are not transactions within the software until they have been recorded so there is no option to import or export those for bulk update.

    In saying that, perhaps other members in the MYOB Community can share their experiences with updating recurring transactions with new pricing.

    • AHJS's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Thank you Steven_M , we have manually updated as the price increase is now live.  Still interested if anyone knows of a clever workaround though


