Forum Discussion

tlwebb's avatar
Contributing User
3 years ago

Customer Card showing as payment owed

Can anyone help with a customer showing a balance owing but no records exist.  The invoice shows 0 the statement shows 0 but there is amount showing under balance when you click on the customer how do i get rid of this.

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  • LRBooks61's avatar
    Ultimate Cover User

    is the invoice post dated?


    Can you do a find transaction on the amount that is showing?


    If you do a accounts receivable report does it show? Can you drill down from there to see the invoice?


    A screenshot of it would be helpful if these suggestions don't help



    • tlwebb's avatar
      Contributing User

      Hi Lisa


      The invoice it refers to has a 0 blance owing and it doesnt show up in any report and I have attached screen shot as you can see the balances are all 0

      • LRBooks61's avatar
        Ultimate Cover User

        Try going into recieve payments

        select the customer there may be a credit that needs to be allocated perhaps 

        you may need to select include closed sales


  • Ilyuka's avatar
    Contributing User

    I bet there is a finance charge allocated to it somehow.  I have the same problem, from past users of the file, and because the file has been purged over the years, I can't get rid of them.  

    My work around for this, if you need to still need to use that card was to make a dummy customer card, and then combine the customer with the charge to the dummy card then start a new card for the existing customer.  Then I just inactivated the dummy card, entering a z in the front of the name, so it always sits on the bottom of any lists.  Messy, but I had so many, it was the only way to get rid of them all.  Hope this helps.