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ABN Issues - MYOB Integration with Workshop Software




2 Posts

Hi Techies

Please could you address an issue with MYOB integration with Workshop Software.


I enter suppliers and invoices in to Workshop - the ABN does not transfer to MYOB with the rest of the supplier record details. I manually enter the supplier ABN and Bank details in MYOB.


MYOB does not store the ABN and is issuing an error to Workshop Software :

"supplier has not supplied ABN number"

But there is an ABN stored in the Workshop file, the ABN entered in the MYOB file has dissappeared


I have addressed this issue with Workshop Software and they say it is something that I need to take up with MYOB.


Files of screen shots attached.  

ABN LOGS - refer time stamps of ABN having been entered, and then no longer there.


WS-Myob errors - logs of errors shown in Workshop Software