EOFY reports. Payroll register and Payroll summary don't match.

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EOFY reports. Payroll register and Payroll summary don't match.

I have found where the error is. I had an employee who finished as a full time employee and his entitlements were paid out. He then went onto casual rates.  Now I'm doing the EOFY reports, his casual rates are recorded in the payroll register and Verification report but not his full time amounts. His total wages paid are recorded only in the payroll activity report. 

Can I go into his pay history on his card and manually input the wages he was paid?


MYOB Moderator
3,201 Posts
MYOB Moderator
MYOB Moderator




Re: EOFY reports. Payroll register and Payroll summary don't match.

Hi @sbee1 


Thank you for your post. I'd like to extend you a warm welcome to the Community Forum. I hope you find it a valuable resource.


The first thing I'll do is check if payroll activity and payroll register reports are correct. However, on this case the total wages are recorded only in the payroll activity report and if the numbers in this report are correct. You can manually enter the wages on the pay history of the employee's card payroll details. After doing this, send an update event on the STP reporting center. This will update the information on your YTD verification report.


Please feel free to post again I'm happy to assist.


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