Payment date and bank reconciliation

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Payment date and bank reconciliation



i processed Feb payroll in myob accountright 2022.2 with pay period 01/02/22 to 28/02/22 and payment date : 28/02/22

when i was doing the Feb bank reconciliation i noticed the payroll doesnt reflect on my bank reconcile which usually does.

i check the transactiaon journal for the payroll it was registered as 02/03/22 that's why didnt show on my feb bank reconcile?  How could this happened ? is it due to ATO submission done by my boss ? I have no clue on steps he does for payroll submission to ATO. i only need to perform task run the payroll process for his submission.


How to rectify this so my bank will be balanced?


Thank you in advance for the input.

Ultimate Cover User
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Ultimate Cover User




Re: Payment date and bank reconciliation



There are a number of things you could do depending on how the payroll has been paid


If it has been paid electronically you could delete ( you may need to reverse) the wrongly dated transaction and redo as at 28/2/2022. That could be how the date error occurred in the first place.


If that is not an option you could apply the 28/2/ payment from the bank feed to a payroll clearing account (spend money)and then you would need to do another transaction (receive money ) for the same amount to the payroll clearing account for the 2/3 . You would then need to manually reconcile the payroll transaction dated the 2/3 and the recieve money transaction


The clearing account should be $0 after both of these transactions


Hope these suggestions help

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