Forum Discussion

TimCollins's avatar
Contributing Cover User
6 years ago

MYOB Assets - Sold assets still showing Closing WDV

One of our files in MYOB Assets has assets that were purchased in the 2018 and 2019 financial years and have been pooled to the small business pool. When selling the assets in 2020, the assets still appear to have closing written down values and are showing up in the Small Business Pool Schedule Report as having a closing WDV.


The assets have been sold for nil and only affects those from the past 2 financial years. 2018 is the first year that MYOB Assets was used in AE. The previous assets were migrated from the AST ledger associated with MAS.

  • Hi Tim,


    The assets sold will remain in the pool for the year that they are sold and the closing written down value will appear.


    When the 2021 year is created, the value of these assets will be transferred to the Consolidated Sold Assets item.


    The nature of General Pools is that the value of assets sold will reduce the value of the pool by the amount the assets were sold for.