Forum Discussion

agwidarsito's avatar
4 years ago

All POST API endpoints returning empty response



So it appears that the POST endpoints for customer, invoice and job no longer return a response body. They work, in a sense that customers, jobs and invoices are indeed created, and a response code of 201 is sent back. But the response has a content-length of zero and an empty body, which is not valid JSON (it used to be).


Is anyone else having this issue? It can easily be reproduced below:


POST /accountright/ID_HERE/Contact/Customer
Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_HERE
x-myobapi-key: KEY_HERE
x-myobapi-version: v2
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Content-Length: 648

{"CompanyName":"Vokke Test 12","Addresses":[{"Location":"1","Street":"12 Fairweather Pde","City":"Officer","State":"VIC","PostCode":"3809","Country":"Australia","Phone1":null,"Email":"","ContactName":"Adrian Gray"}],"IsIndividual":false,"SellingDetails":{"ABN":null,"TaxCode":{"UID":"bd0f9821-4437-4ec2-9c95-c1bdbdd26c7b"},"FreightTaxCode":{"UID":"bd0f9821-4437-4ec2-9c95-c1bdbdd26c7b"},"IncomeAccount":{"UID":"82efbb1a-56e4-4bca-825c-283c8fcb4163"},"Terms":{"PaymentIsDue":"CashOnDelivery","DiscountDate":0,"BalanceDueDate":0,"DiscountForEarlyPayment":0,"MonthlyChargeForLatePayment":0,"VolumeDiscount":0},"Credit":{"Limit":0}}}
Again, this works but the response is empty. Confirmed via PostMan.

2 Replies

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  • Hannah_B's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi agwidarsito


    Thanks for reaching out, Would you please be able to create a support request with us HERE so we can have a more in-depth look into what is causing this to occur. 


    Many Thanks,

  • We have the same issue however invoices are not being created either.


    Would love a solution ASAP as we can't do any bank reconciliations.