Forum Discussion

AnshuM's avatar
MYOB Product Manager
3 months ago

Update on Adapt 2024.1.0 Release

Good afternoon all,

We are close to releasing the next version of ADAPT. This version will introduce capability to migration Exo Business customers to Advanced along with some enhancements and bug fixes for Payroll Migrations. 

As we have made a few significant changes to ADAPT this release will be a breaking release. The release is planned for the 13th of May. If you can complete migrations by then, you will not be affected. If you have not started a migration and can delay the start until then, you will not be affected.

If you have migrations in progress now which will still be worked on after the 13th of May, you will need to rework those migrations.  As the Adapt database has had columns added and renamed the release will affect the staging tables which means your migrations will need to restart after the upgrade.  

To minimise the impact, we have identified a few actions you can take before the 13th to reduce the rework.

Before 13-May-2024, from Adapt Desktop:

  • export the Config progress item to excel.
  • export any other progress items that you have made significant changes to the data. You can use this post the upgrade to 

After the upgrade on the 13th May you will need to do the following:

               From the portal navigate to edit each migration that you have in progress. In that migration click on “Rebuild Staging Database” button.

Then login to the Adapt Uploader and upload the data again. Then login to the Adapt Desktop and continue with your migration. Note that rows already loaded to advanced should be checked as already uploaded.



If you have any questions, please leave a comment below or drop me an email.

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