Forum Discussion

Blair_Kershaw's avatar
Experienced Partner
2 years ago

Fix Asset implementation

I am in the process of reviewing a Fix Asset implementation in MYOB Advanced (Build 2021.113.203.5517). There are several issues that I’m looking for answers to, that have left me scratching my head.


There are a number of assets (the number being 48) with the status ‘Fully Depreciated’ which still have balances. I believe this is due to the ‘Useful Life, Years’ field that has to be populated. The system happily calculates Deprecation, gets to the ‘Useful Life, Years’, and stops depreciating regardless. Has anyone else had this issue? Is there a way I can change these back to ‘Active”? Does anyone make the ‘Useful Life, Years’ field 99 years as a way around this? 


There is a hand full of Assets that have been disposed of, but have negative Net Values, and the Accumulated depreciation has not reversed, which is causing reporting imbalances. Has anyone else run into this problem? Is there a way this can be corrected?


Any input would be gratefully received.


