Forum Discussion

Andrew_Whelan's avatar
Trusted Partner
10 months ago

Kit Assembly reason code for components with insufficient stock

Is there any documentation on this changed behaviour in Kit Assembly in 2022.2? 
Users are required to enter reason code for components with insufficient stock.
The documentation still says that Reason codes only exist on component lines for disassembly.

Yet here they are, on assembly, and mandatory on components with insufficient stock.

(NB: Negative stock is allowed for the item group).


I'm guessing that it's somehow connected to the changes made for historical stock valuation?

4 Replies

  • Nicholas_Wood's avatar
    Contributing Partner

    We have a client with the same issue. I raised a case for it but it appears to be an undesired change to the kit workflow in the new version

  • Will_H's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Andrew,

    When you say Kit Assembly, which screen should I look at?  


    I'm thinking I'm about to learn about another workflow I never really got into.

    Below comment is irrelevant, I was confused about which product was being referred to.

    My suspicion is that this was driven by ongoing work to close gaps in the negative stock scenarios which allowed some things through despite system settings officially saying that negative stock shouldn't be allowed to happen.

    • Andrew_Whelan's avatar
      Trusted Partner

      Hi Will_H , it's IN307000, in an instance without manufacturing, if that makes any difference. I should also note that the component ID that it came up on is standard-costed, though I haven't investigated to see if the valuation method has any bearing on it.

      NB the specific use case is that the components come out of a hole in the ground.

      They let the component stock run into negative over the course of the month as they process assembly into finished product, and then do a bunch of receipting to bring the stock back up to zero.


      • Will_H's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Sorry Andrew_Whelan 

        I just realised i was replying to an Advanced Business thread, not an Exo Business thread.

        Please disregard my earlier answer as nonsensical.  


        Sorry I won't have time to seriously look into an Advanced screen for you at the moment.

        Hopefully another consultant can chip in with relevant advice though.