Hi There,
I am trying to complete a 2019 Individual Income Tax Return that has a low value pool. I have created a low value pool on the depreciation worksheet where the deductible amount is flowing to Item D6 like it should. Item D6 has 3 fields, one autmatically populated from the depreciation worksheet and two others where an amount can be entered for low value pool items relating to financial investments or rental properties. None of the amount flowing to D6 from the depreciation worksheet relates to a financial investment or rental property.
I am currently coming up with error message DDCTNS.000211 "If any of Low value pool deductions relating to financial investments, Low value pool deductions relating to rental properties or Other low value pool deductions are provided, all three must be provided".
I have tried entering a straight 0 or 0.00 in the rental and financial investment fields however neither will allow me to clear the error. However when I enter a dummy figure in each of the fieldsit will clear the error.
Please advise how I can fix this issue?
Kind Regards
I just had a similar problem. My claim on D6 was $68 and none of it related to financial investment or rental properties but it did not allow me to enter 0 or 0.00 in those two labels. I just tried to put $68 to each of them and suddenly it was possible to change it back to 0.00. Now it validates.