Known issues
Just wondering why MYOB has sent out an eBulletin (5.05.2020) advising of a known issue when clearly they are aware of more. I spoke with support team on 29th April and requested a list of the known faults, they emailed me the list of issues that we had drawn their attention to that apparantly they were already aware of but only listed one of these in the eBulletin, I asked to be informed on any new issues but have received no further communication from them in regards to other known issues. Does anyone know of any more issues, as I am majority concerned with the accuracy of their system, especially when they put out an eBulletin but do no tell the correct position? Plus they extended the hotfix update a number of times and are still working on a hotfix of the hotfix of the 2020 update. I have copied below their email. Happy to forward the orginal if any one requires this. - Will not let me attach a .msg Dear Clientid: Service Request: 174544734054 Thank you for contacting MYOB Support. In regards to your service request query, "Known errors" Please find the errors for the current version below, · When client eligible for IETC, tax summary ird summary and efile output are showing incorrect RIT · IR4 Program Error - Operator/operand type mismatch entering shareholder details · 2020 IR4 tax return with losses to be bring forward and R & Dless- tax summary · Tax summary IR4 / IR8 – Losses claimed prints out of alignment with Loss credit tobe bring forward · PDF printing error of tax return. Kind regards Client Support MYOB NZ Limited P 0800 94 96 98 | E | W