Bulk items import/export via MYOB API
Hi, The question was asked by many peoples almost 7 years ago and I am asking about 2nd time. Asked Question References: 1. https://community.myob.com/t5/MYOB-Business-API/Bulk-import-update-via-API/td-p/544517 2. https://community.myob.com/t5/MYOB-Business-API/is-there-a-way-in-any-API-to-bulk-import-items-to-MYOB/td-p/626613 3. https://community.myob.com/t5/MYOB-Business-API/Can-we-post-multiple-customer-contacts-in-single-api-call/td-p/342777 In response, the below answer was given by a member. https://community.myob.com/t5/MYOB-Business-API/Can-we-post-multiple-customer-contacts-in-single-api-call/m-p/342821/highlight/true#M1054 Again asking the same question, there is any Method/Endpoint/Documentation for bulk MYOB item update/import/export via a single MYOB API call? Thanks631Views0likes1CommentQuote Api issue
I'm getting a MYOB accountright .net SDK issue on Quote api while Inserting. All Insert, InsertAsync and InsertExAsync methods return very generic Communication error with Exception says only Internal error with no additional information. Please help. I'm in a bit urgent situation. Thanks in advance.753Views0likes1Comment