Incorrect negative values in analyse sales report

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Incorrect negative values in analyse sales report

I am working with accountright- multi currency. I need help to figure out why some items in my analyse sales report has a negative value when I know it shouldn't be. The purchasing of the product is correct and the invoiced sales is correct and there is a profit, gross profit and % margin is incorrect on the report . The international purchases are edited when we know what the currency rate is at time of paying the bill, not sure if this is a factor because most of the time it is correct.  How do I correct it in the report ? 

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Re: Incorrect negative values in analyse sales report

Hi @JShore , editing a purchase after a sale has been recorded will not change the cost of that sale, which is determined when the sales invoice is recorded, and is not subsequently changed. What editing a bill does is change only the stock value, and therefore the item's average cost, which will now be incorrect, which will affect subsequent sales and show a wrong gross margin. 


If you must change a purchase bill, you need to make a stock adjustment on any/all items on that bill to bring them back to what they should be. 


Also note that since a recent version, changes to sales invoices after first recording do not result in updating cost of sales when the invoice is changed and re-recorded.


Have your Analyse Sales reports been correct in the past?


What AccountRight version (country/number) are you using?



Regards, Mike (
DataWise Limited (, developers of:
DataWise ProActive - Custom Reporting from MYOB programs
(MYOB Business, including AccountRight Live, AccountRight v19.x and exo Payroll)

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