Find if there is a transaction against a supplier using API

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Find if there is a transaction against a supplier using API

Hi Guys,


Is there any way to find out if there is a transaction recorded for a given supplier using API.


The need is to clean up supplier cards as this contains many duplicates. Planning to use API for this. Once cleaned up and merged the duplicates, need to update to the correct supplier card for all transactions recorded for the duplicate supplier. Does API support such type of operation. If so please guide me.







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Re: Find if there is a transaction against a supplier using API

Hi @sajju , I recommend exporting your supplier cards to Excel and locate duplicates there, then carefully use the Combine card options to combine duplicates into one. That way, any transactions on duplicate cards will be merged. 


Take a backup before you begin merging cards, as mistakes cannot be reversed. 


The time it will take you to work out if this can be done via the API, and how, will be more than the above

Regards, Mike (
DataWise Limited (, developers of:
DataWise ProActive - Custom Reporting from MYOB programs
(MYOB Business, including AccountRight Live, AccountRight v19.x and exo Payroll)

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