Forum Discussion

LittleRiss's avatar
11 days ago

Frustation at lack of support

I have a simple enquiry about using MYOB to lodge tax returns.  I am a small practitioner looking for a new tax solution.


No-one contacts me on my general enquiries posted on your website which looks like the only way to contact you (1 week ago)


Got an email from someone in MYOB about another issue and they promised me they would get someone to contact me.  Again, nothing. (3 days ago)


Finally found a phone number and, after spending 1 hour and 41 minutes as "next in the queue" I was disconnected (Today)


Seriously reconsidering whether I want to move to MYOB tax solution if this is the level of support provided.


PLEASE!!!!!!!  Can someone contact me and let me know more details on the MYOB tax solution for small practitioners and how much it would cost.


Thank you


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