Forum Discussion

Trumps's avatar
MYOB Staff
2 months ago

Error when processing bank feed transactions after upgrade to 2023.115.301.7250

Good afternoon


Since the upgrade to version 2023.115.301.7250 [23.115.0031], multiple sites have reported an error when processing bank feed transactions on the Process Bank Transactions screen (CA306000).


The error message states: "CA Error: The document could not be processed because the external reference number of the bank transaction is empty. Fill in the Ext. Ref. Nbr. box on the Import Bank Transactions (CA306500) form for the bank transaction."



BUSINESS IMPACT: Unable to process transactions.  


WORKAROUND:  Users can follow the error and adding ext nbr and then process. However this is not feasible for large amounts of transactions and shouldn’t need to based on configuration settings.


Acumatica have resolved the issue in upcoming release 23.116 but we are working to see if we can provide a more feasible workaround or customisation for sites that have already upgraded to 2023.115.


This is is currently with our Engineering Teams via SP CE00048321 and we will advise as soon as a solution is forthcoming.


Mark Trumper
Product and Platform Team Leader

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