Forum Discussion

James_Brading's avatar
MYOB Product Manager
6 years ago

Issue identified in the 2018.1.7 release

Hi all,

An issue has come to our attention relating to the recent deployments of the 2018.1.7 version where users with certain limited license types (Finance / Warehouse etc) have lost access to various functions post upgrade.


The team is currently working on a resolution to the issue which will need to be deployed via a hotfix to the sites that have been upgraded. This issue is being dealt with as the highest priority and we will provide updates as to the timing and scheduling of the hotfix.


We will also be working through potential options to the impacted sites to minimize the disruption to their operations.


We do apologize for the inconvenience that this has caused and I will update you on the progress as information comes to hand. If you have any questions, please reach out.




3 Replies

  • James_Brading's avatar
    MYOB Product Manager

    Hi all,


    The teams have been busy working on a hotfix build to resolve the issue which is currently undergoing extensive testing to ensure that all the various scenarios have been identified and worked through before we deploy to sites.


    At this stage, we are targeting deployment of the hotfix for Monday evening (27/05). This deployment will go out to all production sites that are on 2018.1.7, and we will follow this up with a deployment to all the demo sites which are also on 2018.1.7 which we will target for Tuesday evening (28/05)


    If you have any questions please let me know



    • James_Brading's avatar
      MYOB Product Manager

      Hi all,


      This posting is just to confirm that we will be going ahead with the deployment of the hotfix for the license issue in 2018.1.7 tonight.


      All production sites that are currently on the 2018.1.7 release will be upgraded to the latest build of 2018.1.7. Tomorrow night we will schedule to deploy the hotfix to all partner demo sites


      Any questions, please let me know



      • James_Brading's avatar
        MYOB Product Manager

        Hi all,


        The hotfix was successfully deployed last night to the sites to the majority of the sites that required the hotfix. Tonight we will be upgrading the partner demo sites along with a small number of production sites.


