Forum Discussion

CallumHyland's avatar
MYOB Staff
19 days ago

Solution Consulting – June 2024 Update

Hi All,

Happy Friday and who could ask for a better way to finish your week and Australian financial year than an update from Solution Consulting!

Partner Solution Engineering

As part of our focus on providing useful resources to aid with your implementation work, Partner Solution Engineering (PSE) are pleased to advise that we have made 44 Import Scenarios available for your use on Frontify (under PSE/Solutions Consulting).  MYOB Advanced Import Scenarios assist you to streamline data entry by automatically transferring information from a file (like a spreadsheet) into your MYOB Advanced software. 


Each of the links to download .zip file in Frontify are listed below:





Fixed Assets


Accounts Payable

Open Purchase Orders


Accounts Receivable


For a full list of import scenarios available, please see the job aid: Import Scenario


Terms of use and disclaimer: These demonstration materials are provided “as is” without formal review or quality control. Use is at your own risk. MYOB does not offer free-of-charge support, guidance, or issue resolution for these documents. Any required assistance may be subject to service requests and associated charges. MYOB disclaims responsibility for updates, quality, or suitability. Use signifies acceptance of these terms; if not, do not use the materials.

Solution Consulting Survey

Thanks to everyone who responded to our survey. Your feedback is much appreciated and where not applicable to Solution Consulting directly, will be passed onto the relevant team(s).


Thanks to everyone who joined the Consensus Tours enablement session earlier in the month. During this session our amazing host Hayley provided a deep dive into the usage of Tours and also introduced some additional supporting collateral; Question Guide and Walk Through Guides. The Question Guide provides some example discovery questions to help you further uncover any Customer challenges in your discovery meeting. Whereas the Walk Through Guides provides a summary, value statements, and a storyline for each Tour. They can help you understand the main ideas and the flow of the Tours. These combined with the Question Guide can prepare you for your conversations with customers. For those who missed the session, you can access the recording here and the Question and Walk Through Guides can be found here.


We also have some new Consensus content published which are ready to use!

Please see below list:


DemoBoard Title

Feature Title

Tour Title

MYOB Advanced

AUS MYOB Advanced Business - Introduction,
AUS MYOB Advanced Business - Distribution - Introduction,
MYOB Advanced Business - Finance - Introduction

CFO Overview

Consolidated Reporting

MYOB Advanced

AUS MYOB Advanced Business - Introduction,
AUS MYOB Advanced Business - Distribution - Introduction,
MYOB Advanced Business - Finance - Introduction

Deferred Revenue

Deferred Revenue

MYOB Advanced

AUS MYOB Advanced Business - Introduction,
AUS MYOB Advanced Business - Distribution - Introduction,
MYOB Advanced Business - Finance - Introduction

GL Journals

Allocating Costs and Overheads

MYOB Advanced

AUS MYOB Advanced Business - Introduction,
AUS MYOB Advanced Business - Distribution - Introduction,
MYOB Advanced Business - Finance - Introduction

Accounts Payable

Recurring Transactions



Contact Us:

Solution Consulting Requests/Assistance/Feedback - – Include Phoenix Opportunity ID and attach Information Gathering Document for the vertical, available on Frontify search "Information")

Consensus Requests/Assistance/Feedback -

Demo Snapshot Requests/Assistance/Feedback –

Implementation guidance –

Direct Services for Advanced Business, Advanced Payroll and WFM, please contact your Channel Sales Manager.


That’s all for from the Solution Consulting team for this month.



Veenu, Bronwyn and Callum

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