Forum Discussion

Maria_Mullane's avatar
Contributing Partner
6 years ago

MYOB Advanced / Payroll integrations

Hi all


Has anyone developed intgrations with either Pay Global or IMS Payroll - to any extent?  To be clear, I'm asking because it’s not only the payroll $$ that we might need to move between the 2 systems; it could be timesheet data, employee information, etc.  I just want to know what's out there, if anything.



Maria  :)

2 Replies

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  • Maria_Mullane 


    There is currently no API for PayGlobal, speaking to their professional serives team they currently use SQL Integration Services to connect 2 systems together, such as Deputy and PayGlobal. So in summary it is possible but you would need to engage with PayGlobal Professional Services team to deliver.


    I can introduce you to the PayGloabl Solutions Delivery Manager if required.


    IMS has some integrations, see but I am unsure if they have an API and if not could they do similar to PayGlobal. I will speak to the IMS team tomorrow and hopefully have an answer tomorrow for you.

    • CarlBrooks's avatar
      Former Staff

      Hi Maria, 


      To close the loop, instead of having a ready available API for developers the IMS team have a development team that builds out API connections their email address is


      Best regards,

