Forum Discussion

Simo355's avatar
Contributing User
4 years ago

Myob advanced Woocommerce integration

Hi. I am looking for an integration for my Woocommerce webstore on my Wordpress site. I need it to connect myob advanced and I am very disappointed with the current choice of only 2 apparent options. 

  • Hi Simo355 


    We are in the process of rolling it out, if you are unaware of our roll out process we do major upgrades on a 5%, 20% and 75% rule, to ensure a) our business partners have time to check any custom work they may have performed before upgrade b) our ISV partners have time to validate their integrations to be relelase ready and c) to find a suitable time to upgrade the customer as you may hve a major business event happening. 


    The upgrade cycle is in the hands of the business partner to allocate you to one of those upgrade cycle windows, the 5% is usually reserved for "vanilla" sites with no integrations of custom work performed. 


    Hope that helps,



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  • Hi Simo355 


    That is correct we have 2 options available within our apps marketplace for WooCommerce integration, 





    This solution provider is the most trusted by our partner community based on the feedback I have received. They have enjoyed a number of case studies with MYOB Advanced for their professionalism, I would be interested in your feedback if you have not had a similar experience, feel free to PM.





    I am not aware of any success or failure stories from this provider but they seem to specialise in eCommerce to Accounting / ERP integrations. In my opinion I feel that Weka's success and trusted relationship with the business parnter community a factor to their lack of activity with MYOB Advanced.


    All the best,



    • Simo355's avatar
      Contributing User

      Hi Carl and thank you very much for your response.  I have a lot of experience with WEKA a online this is precisely the reason why I'm looking to move away from their integrator.  I cannot begin to tell you the negative experience I've had with this company not only are they unable and in willing to work to the scope set out but they failed to provide a solution that operates as intended. They are also not willing to provide me with a warranty document that explains the limitation of their work that they do furthermore their lack of professionalism in relation to not providing me with any service level agreement SLA for us as clients situated in Australia, (as they're situated in New Zealand) proves only further to me that they are not fit for purpose. Therefore I'm looking for a solution which will operate as intended without the constant support cases popping up that occur from a lack of precision in work performed. I will follow up with the options you have provided

      CarlBrooks wrote:

      Hi Simo355 


      That is correct we have 2 options available within our apps marketplace for WooCommerce integration, 





      This solution provider is the most trusted by our partner community based on the feedback I have received. They have enjoyed a number of case studies with MYOB Advanced for their professionalism, I would be interested in your feedback if you have not had a similar experience, feel free to PM.





      I am not aware of any success or failure stories from this provider but they seem to specialise in eCommerce to Accounting / ERP integrations. In my opinion I feel that Weka's success and trusted relationship with the business parnter community a factor to their lack of activity with MYOB Advanced.


      All the best,




      • Simo355's avatar
        Contributing User

        Hi Carl, Thanks for your response and reccomendations. I have since persued an option seperate to WEKA and feel as though we will achieve what we need to for our e-comm store. May I suggest to all reading these threads to investigate thoroughly your 3rd party providers to ensure they are fit for purpose and that their attutude is aligned with your own. I shake my head at the frustration when I think about what I have endured throughout the last 12 months with WEKA. 

  • Hello Simo355, You might want to check the WooCommerce Connector that Tayana Solutions has developed. It is highly customizable and flexible solution. Thanks,