Forum Discussion

KevinLong's avatar
Contributing Partner
5 months ago

Tax Code information on GL Transaction Report


I've had the request from a couple of clients about how to display on the GL Transactions by Account report the tax code used on the transaction. This is not stored in the GLTran table and I presume would need to come from the source transaction. Any thoughts about how to do that?


Kevin Long

2 Replies

  • Shane_Chen's avatar
    Trusted Partner

    Hi Kevin,


    I checked a couple of AR and AP journals and it seems the GLTran.TranDesc field of the Tax line in a journal is literally the Tax Code. You can filter those Tax lines by using GLTran.TranClass = T.

    You may want to verify this a bit more but this could be a good starting point.

    • LeanneB_Horizon's avatar
      Trusted Partner

      There is a table TaxDetailByGLReport and TaxTranReport (u can join them with RecordID, VendorID and TaxId)

      And that will probably be how u can join those to GLtran but not sure unless I look in detail.


      There is a tax report already existing - Tax Details by GL account that they may use

      Attached is a report I have done for Tax Details that shows more info that clients want when checking tax