Corporate Compliance
Dear Community,
I have the following queries regarding on line Corporate compliance, which we have just installed. I suspect a number ar for the MYOB team.
Your constructive responses will be appreciated.
1-Are we able to update common director details or registered offices or addresses across multiple entities in one update?
2- What happens to the information in Corporate Compliance, if by example, an outside solicitor updates company details with ASIC? Does the information ultimately flow through to Corporate Compliance? By example, we have been removed as an agent then reappointed. In the interim, changes have been instigated by the corporate solicitor. When will these changes flow through to corporate compliance?
3- When do we expect to be able to backdate the share transfers or issue date?
4- Confirm whether, when available, we will be able to control the two-way update process. Will we be able to elect a one-way process: AE to Corporate Compliance?
5- Where shares are beneficially held, by recording the ultimate owner in corporate compliance, does this information flow to ASIC or have any consequences for AE?
6-In templates, if we require more than one director to sign, can we embed fields for more than one director?
7-Are we able to restrict access to functions within Corporate Compliance? By example, we have a centralised system for dealing with changes and managing forms and setting up new entities and do not want open access to the staff to these features.
Also, we appear to have an issue viewing the structure diagrams produced by Corporate Compliance. In most instances, we are unable to view in whole the structure diagram. In one instance, just a small section of the structure is visible. Are there specific hardware requirements to view the structure diagrams? Do the diagrams take time to load? If so, how much time.