Forum Discussion

sharon_shea's avatar
Contributing Cover User
3 years ago

MYOB Tax 2021 international dealings schedule error

When trying to validate a 2021 tax return with an international dealings schedule, I keep getting an erorr IDS.440455 in relation to information completed for amounts borrowed, loaned, interest, guarantees etc. All information has been cleared from these relevant fields but it's wanting me to say Yes to question 11 on the tax return. Is there a field that I've missed clearing? This taxpayer does not have any financial dealings of the sorts listed so whilst it will validate when ticked Yes, the actual answer to Question 11 on the international dealings schedule should be No. 


This client only deals with purchases and sales of products, but does this mean it should be ticked Yes?


Thank you in advance for your assistance. 

  • Hi sharon_shea 


    This is a validation issue that has been escalated with product developers to be fixed in future updates. Unfortunately, there is no workaround at the moment apart from lodging via paper.




    Customer Support Representative

    • Hello,


      Just wanted to see if there has been any update to when this might be fixed?




      • sharon_shea's avatar
        Contributing Cover User

        Unfortuenately we haven't received any responses or updates from MYOB to fix this since the last post. We ended up lodging a paper form for the entity as it was nearing the due date.