Forum Discussion

MKemp's avatar
Experienced Partner
4 years ago


Good Morning,  the staff have tried to access income tax returns this morning and all of a sudden after selecting a tax return we are getting the Tax Login screen where you submit your login and password.  Once entered an error message appears

Login to Tax Failed for the following reasons: "

It shows no explanation.  Nothing has changed and no recent updates have been done. 

Has anyone else had this issued today or knows how to fix it?


  • MKemp's avatar
    4 years ago

    Hi Stewart

    I didn't need to do it.  MYOB support had to do all sorts of background work.  The connection between Tax and Practice Manager was corrupt.  Both servers were restarted late last night and everything is now working.  Unfortunately MYOB had no idea why it was not working. Apparently they had never seen the issue before.


    Thankyou for your assistance yesterday. 

  • Hi MKemp ,


    There are several things that can cause this, but if nothing has changed, it is most likely a connection issue to the Tax server. The simplist solution may be to consider rebooting your MYOB AE server.


    Alternatively, you could check your System Release DAL service is running. Assuming MYOB AE and Tax are running in the same SQL instance, it is probably not an SQL issue. 


    Another option to consider (without rebooting) is making sure everyone is out of Tax and performing an EPRESET on the MYOB AE server itself. 




    • MKemp's avatar
      Experienced Partner

      Thanks Stewart.  The servers have all been rebooted this morning.  It's been a while since I did an EPRESET routine.  Can you tell me how I do that please?


      Thank you ...Michelle

      • SB_Systems's avatar

        Hi Michelle,


        First you will need to establish the location of your System Release directory:

        Then perform the EPRESET command:
        In short:

        Go to your MYOB AE server and open a Command Prompt.

        Change to your MYOB AE Tax folder:

        CD <MYOB AE Tax folder>

        run: SR EPRESET


        The common paths for the System Relase install path are:





        The KB articles are more indepth, but depending on how well you know your envrionment, that might save you some time.


    • MKemp's avatar
      Experienced Partner

      Found the EPRESET routine info.  Will give it a try. Thanks.

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